

BSP Contact.png

Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Parish

“to know Christ Jesus because all things hold together in Him”

Our site has a new look!
We are working to improve the look and functionality of our site.

Looking for our YouTube channel? Scroll all the way to the very bottom of this page, and click the red YouTube logo.
Looking for links to religious websites? Click “Resources” above in the Menu.

Worship with Us

Sat: 3:30-4:15 pm or by appt.

Our adoration chapel is available for prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (with the code). Parking and access is off the alley on the west side of the Church parallel to Losey Blvd.

@ Blessed Sacrament (BSP)
@ Roncalli Newman (RNP)

Sat: 4:30 pm at BSP
Sun: 9:00 am at BSP
Sun: 11:00 am & 8:30pm (will return January 26th), both at RNP

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am at BSP
Tuesday: 5:15 pm at RNP
Wednesday & Friday: Noon at RNP

Thurs - 7:00 pm at RNP
(will return January 30th)

Note: While our students are on winter break, there will be NO 7pm Thursday evening Mass/Adoration OR 8:30pm Sunday evening Mass.
Thursday and Sunday evening Masses will return the week of January 26th

Upcoming Events



We thank you for any amount you can continue to give in support of our parish. There are three ways that you can give.
1. Mail your check to the office
2. Bring your gift to Mass during the Offetory.
3. Fill out an Automatic Withdrawal Form (ACH) form found here or in the office.

608-782-2953 – ext. 3

You may stop in using the service door off the alley. It is marked for you. Or call the $crip office at 782-2953, ext. 3, or email orders: scrip@bsplacrosse.org so your order is ready when you stop by. Thanks to our volunteers for hopping on board. Aquinas families, remember that the full 100% of the rebate can be applied to your tuition bill.
A $crip order form is available HERE. Blank forms are also in the office mailbox and in the Narthex of church. SCRIP FORM.
Shopping more online these days? That’s ok! Many scrip retailers
can be used online and e-cards can be purchased online.
Go to https://www.bsplacrosse.org/scrip for full details.