Please contact Mary Blaha-DeBoer to sign up with any of our liturgical ministries -
Hospitality Minister: The ministry of Hospitality includes ushers and greeters. If you want to be on the front lines of welcoming all those who enter our doors, please contact Mary Blaha-DeBoer
Lectors: Our weekend lectors proclaim the scriptures at Mass once a month. Daily Mass lectors read a week at a time.
Petition Readers: Teens looking for a way to get involved can read the petitions at Mass, bringing our community's needs before our Heavenly Father.
Servers: Children 4th grade and up can train to be Mass servers. Students learn at daily Mass and can also have the privilege to serve at weddings and funerals.
Master of Ceremonies: Men who are seniors in high school or older and are interested in serving at Mass can train as Masters of Ceremonies. These individuals have experience and a deep understanding of the ministries that form the weekend Masses and ensure Father receives the proper assistance during the celebration of Mass.
Offering Families: At each Mass we offer our gifts back to God. Offering families bring forward our gifts of bread and wine that will be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Participants of this ministry assist the priest and deacon in distributing Holy Communion during Mass. We are in need of both daily and weekend Mass ministers.
Musicians: Music ministry is a vital part of making our celebrations of the Mass beautiful expressions of worship. Many ways exist to get involved, and music reading is not required. Contact Pauline Connell to find out how to get involved with any of the music ministries below:
CANTORS: Cantors lead the congregation in the sung parts of the Mass.
REJOICE CHOIR: Open to those of all ages who like to sing. Music reading is not required. Practices are the 1st Thursday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm. The Rejoice Choir sings the first Saturday of the month at the 10am Mass. This choir also sings for the major celebrations of the church year.
YOUTH CHOIR: For the teens in the congregation, the Teen Choir sings once a month during the school year. Schedule is to be determined.
FUNERAL CHOIR: The funeral choir is on call; whenever there is a funeral, members come as they can. This ministry to those who are grieving is a beautiful way of comforting those in sorrow.
INSTRUMENTALISTS: If you play an instrument and would like to provide music at Mass, our 8am Mass has a talented group of instrumentalists who accompany our praise to God.
Church Decorating: If you have an artistic eye and would like to assist in the decorating of our Sanctuary, please contact the parish office for more information.
Prayer is the foundation of what we do and our parish is devoted to Adoration of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Our adoration chapel is located midway up the alley parallel to Losey Blvd. and is open 6:00 am - 9:00 pm. If you wish to visit outside of those hours contact the parish office for more information. Stop by for a few minutes or sign up for a regular time each week.
When prayers are needed the Angels of Mercy Prayer Chain is activated. These parishioners are dedicated to praying for the needs of the parish. Contact the Parish Office to find out how to join this vital ministry.